DISCLAIMER: The attached forms are only for the use of physicians and other licensed healthcare facilities. Unauthorized downloading is strictly prohibited and may result in action being taken by the NC Office of EMS.

Pursuant to N.C. General Statute 90-21.17, the department, through the Office of Emergency Medical Services, has adopted an official portable Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) form and Medical Order for Scope of Treatment (MOST) form for use by physicians and other licensed healthcare facilities to assist in providing information relating to a patient’s desire for resuscitation or life-prolonging measures.

These forms are available only to physicians’ offices or other licensed hospital or healthcare facilities.

OEMS will no longer mail these forms to authorized physicians’ offices or other licensed hospital or healthcare facilities. These forms are now available for download and printing by authorized entities only.

For a copy of the portable DNR or MOST form:

Information about Advance Health Care Directives can be found on the Secretary of State’s website.

For questions please contact Paige Stevens at paige.stevens@dhhs.nc.gov