Adventist colleges abroad application fee

I came for a new adventure and experience, but I found so much more than that. In the short few months that I've been here, I have grown, I have experienced great things, and I have learned so much. I've also been able to find a whole new loving family in Christ, and I know that life will never be the same.

Luiz Diz (PUC)

The friends that you will make when going abroad will be more than just friends: these people are companions for life, even if an entire ocean splits you up. The friendships on my journey here in Germany have been the prime source for giving me an experience that will forever be a part of my life.

Hunter Moustoufi (PUC)

Going to Lebanon with ACA was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Learning about Lebanese culture and history has been an amazing experience, from the truly hospitable people to their fantastic food, it is something I will never forget.

Alianna Lobaina (WWU)

Being in Spain and being able to learn a language while also immersing myself in the culture has been eye-opening. I realized that it is nothing like learning a language in the States. I have noticed my Spanish vocabulary growing and it is very exciting to see myself go from barely speaking to now being capable of holding a conversation. I have been given the opportunity to travel to places I didn't imagine myself going to until I graduated college. God has blessed me in so many ways and I am beyond grateful for the experience thus far.