Prepare PDF for Print

PDF4me implements intelligent algorithms that correct fonts and automatically set the right color scheme. It uses the most suitable resolution for your documents. This would help, thereby providing the best output files for printing.

Optimize your PDF documents and prepare them for smooth and legitimate printing. Set the page size, pages per sheet, and color settings using the Prepare for Print tool. You may customize the page setup, using the presets.

Safe Optimization

Your document is completely safe during the entire processing when with PDF4me. It is deleted after one hour of generation. Documents shared through emails, as always expires 14 days from the date of sharing. This way, the security of your document preparing for the printout is ensured.

PDF4me employs high performing servers to process your actions. The performance is excellent, for every instance of compression and optimization of your file, before it’s prepared for the print job.

Great Quality always

Processing PDFs, before the print job, needs careful thinking. While selecting many options for page setup and color profiles, there is a chance that quality is compromised. PDF4me ensures the maximum quality is rendered with custom settings.

Optimization in PDF4me is done retaining the quality of the original document for printing. PDF4me is compatible and lighter on all mobile browsers making your optimization easier.

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